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Search Functions in the Email Archive

Searching the Archive (New UI)
Follow the instructions below for help in conducting a search in your archive. Log in and select the the Search Archive field in the upper-right corner...
Saving Your Search
Once you have searched the archive and found the emails you've been searching for, you can save this specific search query. You can also quickly genera...
Sharing Your Search
Once you have performed a search, you can share the results with your colleagues in two ways. At the point you are saving your search query, you can quick...
Filtering Search Results
Once you have searched the archive and found the emails you've been searching for, you can filter the results, which is useful if you have a large resu...
Searching the Archive (Classic)
Below is an overview of the different search options available in the Search tab. Date and Time: Select a preset date period from the Date Period: dr...
Accessing Search History in the Email Archive
In the History tab of your ArcTitan email archive, you can find details of recent, saved and shared searches, enabling you to keep track of your search act...