Once you have searched the archive and found the emails you've been searching for, you can filter the results, which is useful if you have a large result that you want to reduce.

  1. Begin by selecting the Filter button in the sub-navigation window:

  2. Select the type of filtering you want to apply from the dropdown menu:

Filtering can be performed based on the following:

  • Recipient Count: When you select Recipient Count, recipients are grouped in brackets, with each dropdown menu unique to the search query results.

  • Attachment Count: Select this option to filter results based on emails with attachments. You can select to display emails with or without attachments.

  • Email Size: Filtering emails based on their size means gives you the option to select categories of emails organized according to their KB size.

  • Attachment Size: If you are looking for an email with a large attachment, filtering on Attachment Size is useful. As explained earlier, the categories are bespoke to your search query results.

  • Attachment Type: If you know the type of attachment you are looking for, such as a JPEG or PNG file, then you can make this selection by choosing to filter on Attachment Type.