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WebTitan(Sugarloaf 5.01+)

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More Info

Navigating Levels in Email Security
The Email Security solution has two levels of access - MSP and Customer, one of which your login account is based on. An MSP admin can drill down from the ...
Levels of Access for Email Security
Email Security has two levels of access - MSP and Customer. An MSP Admin can navigate to the Customer level where they have the same view and access as a C...
Go to Settings > Administrators to view and manage administrators. Use the search box to search the list of administrators. Select the column i...
Changing your Password
Changing your password frequently reduces the risk of your account being compromised. A strong password should contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase le...
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an additional layer of security used to protect your account from unauthorized access. If 2FA is enabled, a user provide...
Forgot your Password?
Follow these steps to reset your password: Go to your login page and select Forgot your Password?. On the Password Reset page, enter your email addr...