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User Directory (Basic Config)

User Directory
Go to Basic Configuration > User Directory to search, view and edit a directory of user accounts. Administrators can add a user account as a delegate w...
Searching the User Directory
Go to Basic Configuration > User Directory and follow the steps below to search the directory of user accounts. Select the realm you want to sear...
Managing Additional User Email Addresses
Go to Basic Configuration > User Directory and follow the steps below to add, edit or delete additional email addresses for an existing user account. A...
Managing Email Domains
Go to Basic Configuration > User Directory to view all the registered email domains for a user account and add new domains. Search the user directo...
Adding a Delegated Link
Go to Basic Configuration > User Directory to add a delegated link to a user account. Adding a delegated link allows a user to access another ArcTitan a...
Adding User as a Delegate
Go to Basic Configuration > User Directory to add a user account as a delegate from another account. This allows the user account to be accessed from th...