Go to Security Awareness Training > SAT Campaigns to see details of your Security Awareness Training campaigns and the customers assigned to them. They are divided into two groups, which can be accessed by selecting either the Active or Not Active tabs at the top of the page. All Active and Planned campaigns are displayed on the Active tab while all Completed and Deleted campaigns are displayed under the Not Active tab.
From this page you can do the following:
Schedule Security Awareness Training by selecting Schedule SAT. See Schedule Security Awareness Training.
Delete SAT campaigns by selecting one or more checkboxes, and selecting Delete.
Download the SAT Content Catalog by selecting Content Catalog to learn more about SAT resources.
In the SAT Campaigns table:
The Active tab opens by default when you select Security Awareness Training > SAT Campaigns and displays all active SAT campaigns.
The Not Active tab displays SAT campaigns that you have deleted and campaigns that have been completed.
Use the search box to search the list of SAT campaigns. The list will automatically update as you begin typing.
Select the column icon to display the column names. Slide each on and off to view or hide a column.
SAT Campaign Name: Name of the security awareness training campaign. To view details of a specific SAT Campaign, locate the campaign in this column, and select the link to learn more.
Only completed SAT Campaigns, which are shown in the Not Active tab, can be accessed.
Customers: The number of customers enrolled in the SAT campaign.
Enrolled Users: The number of users enrolled in the campaign.
Modules: Number of modules that are assigned in this campaign.
Send Date: Date when users are enrolled and emails containing links to the campaign training modules are sent.
Completion Date: Date by which training must be completed by users. Following the completion date, users will no longer be able to access the training.
Completion Rate: Progress bar indicating the percentage of modules completed by all users.
Status: Indicates the state of the SAT campaign, based on the following:
If the SAT Campaign is Active, then this means that users have been enrolled in Security Awareness Training. They should have received emails with links to the assigned modules. The campaign remains Active until the Completion Date.
SAT Campaigns with a status of Planned means that the campaigns have been created, but the send date hasn't occurred yet. Once the Send Date occurs, then emails are sent to all active users, and the status changes to Active.
An Active or Planned campaign that has been Deleted. Users will be unable to access the training material.
When the Completion Date of an Active campaign is reached then the campaign status changes to Completed. Following the completion date, users can no longer access the training