To see a list of all your customers to whom you have issued licenses, select Customers in your side bar menu.
Go to the Actions column to view and edit their details:
Select the view icon for a customer to drill down to the customer level to view and further manage that customer.
Select the edit icon for a customer to edit that customer's details.
Select the column icon to display the All Customers table column names. Slide each on and off to show or hide a column.
Name: Name of your customer.
Solutions: Icons displayed in bold show solutions that are licensed to your customers.
PhishTitan: TitanHQ's email security solution, offering protection from targeted threats that arrive in a customer's inbox.
Phishing Simulation: MSPs can set up and monitor phishing campaigns for their customers, helping them to recognize deceptive lures and phishing threats.
Security Awareness Training (SAT): MSPs can schedule and monitor security awareness training for their customers, enabling them to become more aware of information security risks.
ArcTitan: TitanHQ's automated email archiving solution.
Connection: Indicates if a customer is connected to a Microsoft 365 account. The label shows which customers are connected; the link highlights those customers who are not.
Select the Add connection link to begin Connecting and Configuring a Customer Account.
Actions: View and edit customer details.
To add a new customer, see Add a Customer Account.